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Model United Nations

Bergen County Middle School Debate League 

Grades: 6-8



March 27th

April 3rd 

April 17th

April 24th 

May 1st

May 8th 

May 12th

What is Model United Nations?

Model United Nations(MUN) is an educational extracurricular activity that simulates the United Nations, teaching students how it operates. Students represent a country and its view points, in a committee,  to debate and collaborate on current events.

Our Mission:

The goal of the Model United Nations Chapter at BCMSDL is to teach young leaders about global perspectives and public speaking. We aim to create an environment for middle school students to discuss and debate complex issues relevant in the world today such as climate change, trafficking, poverty, etc.


To achieve our goals, we plan to conduct several classes and conferences to enhance skills in cooperation, conflict resolution and become more active members in their community. 

Meet the Team:

Sara Garg: Founder and President

Sara Garg is a sophomore at Kinnelon High School, NJ. She has been debating with Bergen County Debate Club for over 5 years and competed in several national tournaments. In addition, she has a passion for dance and is an avid member of the Girl Scouts community. She is also plays in the Girls Varsity Tennis team and holds leadership positions in DECA and FBLA at her school. She loves to volunteer her time to mentor children about pressing topics through Model United Nations. 

Aanya Marya: Vice President

Aanya Marya is a freshman at J.P Stevens in Edison, NJ. She is an avid public speaker, and loves to express her opinions through Model UN, Mock Trial, and PF Debate. Apart from that, she is in her school’s tennis team and runs a science podcast. Aanya is eager to spread her knowledge about Model UN to the next generation of leaders. 

Past Workshops:

Spring 2022

During our Spring 2022 beginner season, students learned about the basis of MUN revolving around the topic of Child Marriage. With an emphasis on public speaking, critical thinking, and researching, students learned the steps to succeed at a MUN conference. At the end of this session, BCMSDL MUN hosted a mock conference so students could prepare for any future conferences. 

Fall 2022

At our Fall 2022 beginner season, we emphasized on the public speaking aspect of MUN and practiced through various drills. Students also learned the concepts of MUN through the topic: Access to clean drinking water. Students researched about the topic with their respective country and like the Spring Session, presented their opening speech, position paper, and resolutions, which are key components for a real MUN conference. 

Upcoming events: 

Spring 2023

When: March 11th, 2023 via ZOOM 

Topic: Access to Clean Drinking Water 

Committee: SOCHUM 

Chair: Sara Garg

Delegate Fee: None


10 a.m. - 1 p.m. : Committee Session I 

1 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. : Lunch Break 

1:30 p.m. - 4 p.m. : Committee Session II 

4:30 p.m. : Awards Ceremony and Feedback Discussion 

Registration Link : 

Further details will be provided once registration is complete..

Contact Us:


Instagram: @munbcmsdl

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