The Bergen County Middle School Debate League (BCMSDL) began as a non-profit organization in 2018 with a focus on sending trained high school coaches to middle schools to teach professional debate lesson plans. Over the years, BCMSDL has grown and evolved, offering a variety of free, volunteer-led initiatives that now extend beyond traditional debate formats. Our programs encompass not only debate but also intellectual development and leadership training, giving students a well-rounded skill set in public speaking, critical thinking, and more.
Our team of dedicated volunteers—comprising high school debaters, scholars, and student leaders—work with professionally developed lesson plans to coach students on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. These programs run for 8-10 weeks per session and are completely free to all participants, ensuring access to valuable skills regardless of background. Today, BCMSDL offers a range of initiatives, empowering students to excel in debate as well as other intellectual pursuits.
For more information, please refer to our BCMSDL Handbook or contact us with any questions!